For all GLOW YMCA pages. 

General Guidelines

We want to hear from you on social media, our blogs, and our forums, but we have a few things that we do not allow:

Posts that contain, discuss, or promote:

  • abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening, or harassing language
  • personal attacks of any kind
  • illegal activity
  • political campaigns
  • religious issues
  • legal or employment issues
  • posting of premium content from any website
  • fake news or any content intended to mislead
  • conversations that negatively target specific individuals, groups, or organizations
  • posts that are spam, solicitations, or advertisements
  • any profile icon or name related to commercial content that promotes another business, website, or specialty page
  • personally identifiable information (like phone numbers or email addresses), private or sensitive details about another person
  • material or information that you don’t have the right to post or share

Differences of opinion are welcome as long as they are respectful. Be courteous and respect those asking questions with friendly, informative discussions. If it’s not, it will be deleted. Posters will be permanently banned immediately for a serious, willful, and/or repeated violation of any of these rules.

User-submitted content (including comments, updates, photos, and videos) do not necessarily represent the views of the GLOW YMCA.

The statements and opinions posted by registered participants to these forums and blogs offered for educational, informational, and social purposes only, should not be construed as personal medical advice, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition or replace your or anyone else’s healthcare provider. Please consult with a physician or local healthcare provider before taking any advice that might affect you or anyone else’s health and well-being.